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6 Red Flags Home Inspectors Can Warn You About

Home inspectors look at many different elements within a home, and there are some areas they pay more attention to than others.

When putting in an offer on a home, one condition that’s almost always included is a home inspection. Although not mandatory, it’s always recommended because it can save you headaches down the road. As a potential buyer, you want to make sure there aren’t any red flags with a home’s electrical, plumbing, foundation, and structure.

1. Cracks in the drywall and foundation

Old or new, most homes will have minor cracks. Although the thought of seeing cracks in a wall or floor might put you off, most drywall cracks are due to settlement or poor installation and are not often a cause for concern.

🚩 Horizontal, uneven, and/or diagonal cracks could be an indication of movement, as well as cracks in the foundation which could be a possible sign of a major problem.

2. Electrical work 

The most common electrical issue Anderson sees during an inspection is unsafe electrical installations. 

🚩 Often the wrong size breaker is installed or multiple circuits on one breaker (also known as double tapping). Flickering lights can also be an indication of poor electrical work. 

3. Plumbing

When it comes to plumbing, inspectors will take a look at the hot water tank, drainage system, fixtures, metres, and valves.

🚩 Moisture in the walls can be a big indicator of a plumbing issue, so if a home inspector spots this, they consider it a red flag almost immediately. Moisture could also mean the presence of mould, which is another big issue. 

Checking water pressure is also important. Too much or not enough pressure can damage the fixtures and pipes.

4. HVAC systems

Home inspectors also spend time examining the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) of a home.

🚩 Open windows (at a time of year when it seems a bit odd to do so) could be an indicator of an ill-working HVAC system, as homeowners may be trying distract from the system’s inability to regulate temperature. Dents in the metal, peeling duct tape, loose seams, and torn or collapsed sections of flex ducts could also be indicators the system hasn’t been properly maintained

5. Roof issues

The roof is one of the first things you see when walking up to a house, and arguably one of the most important to make sure is in good shape. They’ll look for things like missing or warped shingles, too much caulk or sealant, and make sure the flashing is in good shape. 

🚩 Two other roof issues that can occur are moss and a saggy roof. Which one is worse you ask? Although moss can cause premature deterioration, it can be cleaned, but a sagging roof is much more serious and requires investigation to determine its cause. 

6. DIY home repairs

Any time you do a home repair by yourself, you’re risking major red flags come home inspection time.

🚩 The red flags here depend on the project, but typically things like disorganized electrical wires, outlets installed too close to water sources, cracked or jagged tiles around corners, furniture placed in odd spots to hide damage to walls or unsightly warped floors, can all indicate a DIY project which could lead to larger issues and discoveries.  

Before buying a home, getting a home inspection by a licensed professional is essential. Not only does it help identify major red flags that could end a deal, but it also gives you insight to potential issues that may come down the line if you chose to go through with the purchase. Finally, a home inspection can also give you leverage during the negotiating process to get you that perfect price.